
Lesmurdie Primary School

The Arts Curriculum is all about “Making” and “Responding.” In the Arts, children explore ideas and improvise ways to represent these ideas.

At Lesmurdie Primary School, we offer a music program that gives children opportunities to develop understanding by practising, and when they are confident, sharing their artworks through performance or display. The children learn to respond to and interpret different artworks. They learn about music in other cultures and are exposed to music from many genres.

As each stage is developmental, the children will develop an understanding of musical elements, these include learning about beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, form, melody, timbre, harmony and mood.  The children are encouraged to sing, dance and act with expression, perform confidently to audiences, move and play instruments in time. During their time at Lesmurdie Primary School, they will learn to play recorders, xylophones, drums and ukuleles as well as many percussion instruments. They will create music, perform dances and drama both individually and in a group and use appropriate language to express their thoughts and feelings.

The children have the opportunity to participate in choir events, including the Massed Choir Festival, special events, in assemblies and at an End of Year Concert Evening. The school is part of the Department of Education Instrumental Music Program, offering a group of students from years 5 and 6, tuition in guitar, clarinet or trumpet.

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