Nominations are called to fill 2022 vacancies on the Lesmurdie Primary School Board. The School Board exists to enable staff, parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interests of students and that will enhance the education provided by the school. The Lesmurdie Primary School Board generally meets
Welcome back to the start of the new school year. The first day for students is Monday 31 January. As the new school term begins, we are mindful that we continue to operate in a State of Emergency, so it is important parents and carers are familiar with the school’s operational guidelines. In order to
School Banking update from Commonwealth Bank For 90 years, our School Banking program has helped children learn about money, reinforced the importance of regular savings and provided structure for parents to support their children to save. Though the program continues to have strong support from schools, parents and teachers, recent decisions by some state and