Welcome back to the start of the new school year. The first day for students is Monday 31 January.
As the new school term begins, we are mindful that we continue to operate in a State of Emergency, so it is important parents and carers are familiar with the school’s operational guidelines. In order to maintain a safe learning and working environment for students and staff we remain abreast of all the current information and follow all directives from the Department of Health and Education. This measure will protect students, staff and the community.
Please CLICK HERE for the Department of Education Fact Sheet
- Please keep children home if they are unwell and seek medical advice should your child be displaying cold/flu symptoms.
- Please notify the school if your child will not be attending school.
- One parent/caregiver is welcome on verandahs and in classrooms.
- We encourage families to “Kiss and Drop” at the classroom door or school entrance.
- Adults are asked to maintain physical distancing of 1.5m on school grounds and wear masks where this is not possible or when entering a building.
- Parents are welcome to attend school events.
- Please reinforce hand washing hygiene and coughing and sneezing etiquette.
At Lesmurdie Primary School we are doing the following:
- Following all directives from the Departments of Education and Health.
- All adults on the school site must wear masks at all times when indoors. Parents and carers must not enter classrooms, the school office, library or the Endeavour Hall, without a mask.
- Primary school aged students Kindy to Year 6 are not requiredto wear masks at this stage. The Education Minister has indicated that masks will become required for students in Year 3-6 should there be a significant outbreak.
- When staff are instructing students during class time indoors, they are not requiredto wear a mask.
- All school staff are double vaccinated and many are triple vaccinated. As staff become eligible for the 3rdvaccination booster they will receive their dose by the required time.
- The enhanced cleaning of toilets, drink fountains and surfaces in high traffic areas, as per Term 4, 2021, will continue.
- Ventilation assessments have been conducted in schools with physical checks of windows and doors and on mechanical ventilation (air conditioning units) to ensure adequate ventilation.
- Classrooms will have doors and windows open throughout the school day, where possible and use air conditioning and fans to keep air moving. The school has been provided with a portable unit to observe CO2 levels in classrooms, as required.